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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Osaka Garden in Chicago

I have lived in Chicago for six years now and just recently heard about this magical place called Osaka Garden.  It lies behind the Museum of Science & Industry on Wooded Island.  Once you enter this serene place, you will quickly forget that you are in a bustling city.

I don't think I have ever connected with nature like I did at the garden.  Granted it has been awhile since I have made an attempt, but I really didn't want to leave.  It was so peaceful and like being in another world.  I took photos, sat on a few rocks to let my mind soak it in, and followed a bird along the shoreline.  The bird was a black-crowned night heron and it was so content with searching for food, that it couldn't be bothered with me closely watching and taking photos.

I highly recommend visiting Osaka Garden whether you are a local or a visitor.  I think the photos lend the reasoning behind my recommendation.  I look forward to going back soon for some relaxation and meditation.

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